During their education pupils have access to careers education, information, advice and guidance. Each academy follows a structured careers programme which supports pupils to develop skills and attributes to prepare them for their future lives.
Pupils will:
- Gain knowledge and understanding of career opportunities and future career pathways
- Develop personal skills and qualities
- Explore, develop and manage their own future career aspirations
- Develop employability skills
Support for Pupils, Parents, Carers and Teachers
The Leigh Academies Trust Engagement Team has developed a website to support pupils, parents, carers and teachers. Here you can find careers related information and resources including frequently asked questions.
Team Structure
The Leigh Academies Trust Engagement Team supports all academies and consists of Careers Learning. They supports pupils through impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) enabling them to make informed decisions regarding their future.
Strood Academy has a dedicated Careers Lead who provides access to impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to all students from Year 8 to Year 13. Students are supported to make informed choices and decisions about their future, develop their skills, knowledge and experience to enable them to enter and be successful in the world of work and their future lives.
We coordinate work related learning opportunities including work experience and employer links, while working closely with all subject areas and providers to ensure students receive current, up to date information and experiences of work and labour market information.
Miss D Cooper
Strood Academy Careers Lead
All students have access to independent careers advice and guidance throughout the year, particularly at key transition stages.
Student Entitlement
At Strood Academy we aim to prepare each student to aspire to and fulfil their career aspirations, supported by:
- Clear and impartial information, advice and guidance.
- Clear impartial advice and information about all the options available so that informed choices and decisions can be made.
- Qualified people to help with decision making on the most appropriate further education, higher education, training or employment.
- Appropriate and relevant advice and guidance to help make choices and seek to develop a career plan for the future.
- A programme of consistent careers education through the form time programme to help identify and develop skills and qualities to support the transition from school into the world of work and/or further learning.
- Personal support and information on progress through one-to-one and group interviews that offer the opportunity to discuss ideas, find out more information and develop an action plan to help make informed decisions about career pathways. For a careers interview please email donna.cooper@stroodacademy.org
There is the opportunity to:
- Be involved in decision making
- Learn about the world of work
- Experience the world of work
- Develop independent learning skills
Downloads and Links
The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.
The data are organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. The Careerometer 2 widget explains how to use the widget on websites.
More detailed information regarding different job roles can be found on the National Careers Service website.