Each department has developed an overview of the year and added resources that may support the parents to guide their child. Please view all subjects below, or alternatively, download our subject overview as a PDF using the button below.
3D Design
Subject Leader: Mr H Janagel (harkirat.janagel@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The aim of the year 10 curriculum is to ensure relevant skills are built rapidly and secured through sustained practice. Practical skills are utilised throughout the course whilst research and analytical skills support the understanding of the course.
- Modules 1 and 2: Art Deco Research Unit 1
- Module 3: Art Deco Drawing Skills
- Module 4: Art Deco Practical
- Module 5: Art Deco Final Submission
- Module 6: Final Deadline
What are we doing to support your child?
- We create digital booklets ensuring there is a wide range of different strategies to help increase the quality of work.
- We monitor work using a tracker and this will be visible to students over the course of the terms.
- We set homework to ensure students can catch up with their work in a timely manner
- We have interventions running during lunchtime to ensure students do not fall behind.
What can you do to support your child?
- You can support them by checking the classroom for lesson updates.
- Using the online weblinks to help them progress on the classroom. https://www.inspirationindesign.uk/assignments-design-activities/home-learning-contextual-studies/
- Offering support with buying materials at home to ensure they can make more models. Hobbycraft is perfect for this: https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/
- Providing them with a space where they can work and focus
Hospitality and Catering
Subject Leader: Mr H Janagel (harkirat.janagel@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The aim of the year 10 curriculum is to ensure relevant skills are built rapidly and secured through sustained practice and deliberate practical experiences. Practical skills are utilised throughout the course whilst research and analytical skills support the understanding of the curriculum.
- Module 1: Theory and practical LO1
- Module 2: Theory and practical LO2
- Module 3: Theory and practical LO3
- Module 4: Theory and practical LO4
- Module 5: Theory and practical LO5
- Module 6: Mock and Practical Skills
What are we doing to support your child?
Pupils are set weekly homework:
- Students will be expected to work on their supporting content ensuring they complete a wide range of different tasks.
- Students will be expected to meet the criteria for their first theory topics unit ensuring the detail, complexity and analysis is to a high standard.
- Complex Practical skills to be developed during these sessions and throughout the year.
- Exam practice: Students will be completing exam style questions and ensuring they understand the content.
Students will be tested on the NEA and exam skills associated with Food preparation, Catering as an industry and the world of hospitality.
What can you do to support your child?
Students are all encouraged to use the Hodder revision guide. WJEC Level 1/2 Award in Hospitality and Catering Boost eBook.
Parents can also support with buying ingredients and ensuring there is a wide range of opportunities for them to cook at home practising a range of high level skills when completing dishes.
Parents can support through regular conversation around understanding of difficult food topics and the practicing of homework tasks relating to Theory knowledge.
Citizenship - Social Sciences
Subject Leader: Gaby West/ John Newman (gaby.west@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
During this module students will be learning about rights and responsibilities of citizens, along with learning the roles and powers of the police. It has been arranged for an ex police officer to come and speak to students about their experiences and career highlights and students can apply this knowledge to the taught content and exam application.
- Modules 1 and 2: Theme 1 – Life in modern Britain
- Module 3: Theme 2 – Rights and responsibilities (Interleaving theme 1 PIT STOP/GAP lessons.)
- Module 4: Theme 2 – How the law and rights have developed over time. (Interleaving theme 1 PIT STOP/GAP lessons.)
- Module 5: Theme 2 – How do citizens play a part to bring about change in the legal system? (Interleaving theme 1 PIT STOP/GAP lessons.)
- Module 6: Theme 4 – Active Citizenship Investigation
What are we doing to support your child?
- Exam questions every lesson
- Clarity on command words and how to use them
- Application of key terms
- Timed exam practise
- Live marking every lesson
- Low stakes testing
- PIT STOP/GAP lessons to recap theme 1 content
- Differentiated exam application
- Modelling of example work
- Use of visualiser to show students example answers on the board and how they can replicate them
- Use of chromebooks in lesson to engage
- Self and peer assessment
- Guest speaker
What can you do to support your child?
- Knowledge organisers and lesson resources are all on google classroom.
- Use the knowledge organisers from all themes – read, cover, write, repeat
- Encourage them to complete exam papers/questions. Support by completing in silent, timed conditions
- Share current affairs, political information and recent news stories and discuss them around the dinner table
- Encourage use of the Citizenship PLC checklist to RAG rate knowledge retention- Make a copy.
Subject Leader: Mrs S Emslie (Shauni.Emslie@Stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The Year 10 curriculum is the 1st exposure students have to the GCSE curriculum at Key Stage 4. The curriculum has been designed to spiral the 3 disciplines in small, manageable chunks at a time, and is also interleaved between paper 1 and paper 2 content. This way of designing the curriculum is to allow students better progression of content, and understanding of connections between topics. Students will complete the year by completing a set of paper 1 exams to identify their strengths and weaknesses ahead of moving into Year 11.
Module 1
- Biology: Cell division and genetics
- Chemistry: Atomic structure
- Physics: Radiation
Module 2
- Biology: Cell transport
- Chemistry: Chemical bonding
- Physics: Electricity
Module 3
- Biology: Respiration
- Chemistry: Quantitative chemistry
- Physics: Particle model
Module 4
- Biology: Communicable diseases
- Chemistry: Extraction of metals
- Physics: Energy and power
Module 5
- Biology: Photosynthesis
- Chemistry: Energy changes
- Physics: Energy transfer
Module 6
- Revision and completion of paper 1 Mock exams
- Biology: Adaptations, interdependence and competition
What are we doing to support your child?
During lessons, students are exposed to exam style questions to build their confidence in being able to successfully answer GCSE questions that they will be given in their mocks and GCSEs.
They are also given the opportunity to complete the required practicals in our labs to understand the key aspects that they may be assessed on e.g. methods, identifying variables, graph skills and analysis of results.
Consideration is taken during lessons to ensure that the Math skills required in certain topics are covered in lessons, and that they are given the exposure to certain styles of questioning that tend to come up most often in GCSEs, so students have all the skills needed to succeed.
What can you do to support your child?
- Cognito Free Youtube Channel – Biology / Chemistry / Physics
- Khan Academy – Free lessons and practice
- Higher revision guide
- Higher workbook
- Foundation revision guide
- Foundation workbook
- Flashcards
Digital Information Technology
Subject Leader: R Sangha (ravina.sangha@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The DIT Year 10 curriculum is centred on cultivating practical skills and a profound understanding of key aspects within the dynamic field of digital information technology. With a strong emphasis on hands-on application, the intent is to empower students with the ability to navigate and master concepts such as User Interfaces and Data Collection and Interpretation. The curriculum’s ultimate goal is to instil in students a set of transferable skills that extend beyond specific technologies, fostering adaptability and resilience in an ever-evolving technological landscape.
- Module 1: Component 1 – User Interfaces
- Module 2: Component 1 – Pearson Set Assignment
- Module 3: Component 1 – Pearson Set Assignment (due January)
- Module 4: Component 2 – Spreadsheets & Component 2 – Pearson Set Assignment
- Module 5: Component 2 – Pearson Set Assignment (due May)
- Module 6: Component 3 – Learning Aim A – Modern Technologies – Ad Hocs/ Cloud Computing/ Storage
What are we doing to support your child?
Students have been given sample tasks that replicate the Pearson Set Assignment to prepare best for their assignment. Students will be given mock assessments to assess their knowledge prior to the assignments. This means your child will have a number of assessments. Students will be given time to apply taught skills to a spreadsheet and datasets as well as be given homework tasks to further assess the application of skills and embed practice.
Students are able to stay behind to gain extra feedback and support on their work should students need further support to improve understanding.
What can you do to support your child?
- For more information on DIT, please visit the subject specification here
- Students are encouraged to practise their user interface and spreadsheet skills at home through the use of the practise tasks set. Students have access to mocks and samples that are similar to the assignment to help them prepare.
- Students are able to access Google classroom lesson slides outside of lessons to consolidate their learning and understanding of a particular topic.
- Revision guides should be purchased for the Component 3 exam which takes place in Year 11. Click below to purchase from Amazon.
Performing Arts - Acting
Subject Leader: Jake Pointer (jake.pointer@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
We develop students’ communication, collaboration, confidence, and creativity through engaging drama experiences, preparing them for successful lives and careers in a diverse and ever-changing world. We aim to encourage students to be risk takers, developing confidence and resilience. Our curriculum gives students the opportunity to fuel their creativity and broaden their understanding of the world we live in. At Strood Academy, we ignite the creative spark within every student, empowering them to become confident, collaborative communicators equipped to thrive in any future they choose.
- Module 1: Physical Theatre – An introduction to physical theatre and the performance ‘Things I know To Be True’
- Module 2: Verbatim Theatre – An introduction to Verbatim Theatre and the performance ‘Our Generation’
- Module 3: Component 1 – Exploring the Performing Arts
- Module 4: Component 2 – Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts
- Module 5: Component 2 – Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts
- Module 6: Component 3 – Responding to a Brief (Mock) & Inquiry Question – How does theatre change the world?
What are we doing to support your child?
- We provide regular drop in sessions for your child to attend at lunch times and after school. This is an opportunity for your child to catch up on coursework and receive tailored feedback for their work.
- The studio and practice rooms are available for students to use during breaks, lunch and after school for students to rehearse their performances.
- Students receive regular verbal feedback during lesson times.
What can you do to support your child?
- Ensure that students are completing homework regularly and on time.
- Assist students with line learning (scripted performance).
- Ensure students are completing coursework before their deadlines.
- Use the links below to support the knowledge and understanding of your child within Drama.
- Performing Arts (2022) | BTEC Tech Awards | Pearson qualifications – Course Specification
Module 1
Things I Know To Be True – Sign in to your Digital Theatre+
English Literature and Language
Subject Leader: Ann-Julie Webster (annjulie.webster@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The GCSE English Language curriculum is taught in its entirety in year 10 and interleaved with the Literature curriculum so they are simultaneously taught alongside each other across the year. Through this, students are able to understand the crossovers between the two subjects and develop the skills required for both.
In English Literature we cover 80% of the GCSE Literature curriculum in year 10 to allow students ample time to learn and develop their understanding of the set texts as well as an abundance of time to revise and close gaps in learning in year 11.
Module 1
- Literature: Macbeth
- Language: Paper 1 Reading
Module 2
- Literature: Macbeth
- Language: Paper 1 Writing
Module 3
- Literature: An Inspector Calls
- Language: Paper 2 Reading
Module 4
- Literature: An Inspector Calls
- Language: Paper 2 Writing
Module 5
- Literature: Unseen and Power & Conflict Poetry
- Language: Mock Revision
Module 6
- Literature: Power & Conflict Poetry
- Language: Spoken Language
What are we doing to support your child?
All of your child’s lesson resources can be found in their Google Classrooms complete with: key vocabulary, Literature context and PDFs of set texts for their use at home.
Home learning will continue and students will be expected to work on the recall activities their teachers set in their Google Classrooms.
What can you do to support your child?
The English faculty have devised a website to support students with their revision. All aspects of both Literature and Language are catered to with additional resources being added throughout the year.
For the Literature exam students are required to remember, use and analyse quotations from across all their studied texts. Encourage your child to work on practising these at home and support them by testing their key quotations recall.
Set texts for annotation can be purchased via Parent Pay.
English Literature – York Notes:
English Language – CGP:
Subject Leader: Mark Cole (mark.cole@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The Tech Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific applied knowledge and understanding through realistic vocational contexts. Learners will have the opportunity to develop applied knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- knowledge that underpins an effective use of skills, such as the activities, skills and characteristics of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and the internal and external factors that can affect the success of an enterprise; in addition, the process of developing a business plan and using and applying marketing and finance knowledge
- development of key skills that prove aptitude in planning an enterprise idea, including market research, planning, carrying out financial transactions, communication and problem solving
- attitudes and ways of working that are considered most important for enterprise, including monitoring and reflecting on the performance of an enterprise idea and own use of skills.
Components 1 and 2 are separate coursework assignments and are worth 60% of the 2-year course final grade (30% each).
Component 3 exam-based assessment completed at the end of Y11. This is worth 40% of the courses final grade.
Module 1 – Component 1
- A1 Size and features of SMEs
- A2 Markets, sectors, models and industries in which enterprises operate
- A3 Aims and activities of enterprises
- A4 Skills and characteristics of entrepreneurs
- B1 Market research methods
- B2 Understanding customer needs
Module 2 – Component 1
- B3 Understanding competitor behaviour
- B4 Suitability of market research methods
- C1 PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis
- C2 SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis
Module 3 – Component 2
- A1 Choosing ideas for a micro-enterprise
- A2 Plan for a micro-enterprise
Module 4 – Component 2
- B1 Production of presentation
- C1 Review of presentation
- B2 Delivery of presentation
Module 5 – Component 3
- A1 Targeting and segmenting the market
- A2 4Ps of the marketing mix
- A3 Factors influencing the choice of marketing methods
- A4 Trust, reputation and loyalty
Module 6 – Component 3 (Continues in Y11)
- B1 Financial documents
- B2 Payment methods
- B3 Revenue and costs
What are we doing to support your child?
There will be a key focus on exam style questions. This will take place in lessons as well as through regular homework to reinforce and develop key ideas and concepts, structured lessons to introduce ideas, develop and practise related questions. Students will also be able to ask subject specific questions and be provided with regular feedback and guidance. Targeted interventions will also be introduced to assist with student progress. Students will be presented with workbooks for each learning aim A B and C through the course of Module 3 4 and 5 until the exam.
What can you do to support your child?
At home, students need to continue to work with the homework worksheets LAA-worksheet-2022 based on the classroom as a support to complete their exam practice.
Subject Leader: A Attra (ajay.attra@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
This qualification is a vocational qualification for learners who wish to learn more about financial services, financial products and their application, and finance in business. An enriching and detailed introduction to the world of finance, relating to real-life application while ensuring learning is assessed in a practical and applied manner. The Year 10 curriculum seeks to empower learners with an in-depth understanding of key financial concepts, emphasising their application in real-world scenarios.
What will I learn?
This year will cover key aspects of financial literacy, including achieving personal financial goals, borrowing and repaying money, personal and small business banking, financial advice, and budget creation. It also delves into ethics, sustainability, business models, financial careers, UK taxation principles, and marketing in finance. The practical application of numeracy and mathematical skills within real-life financial services scenarios is emphasised, providing a comprehensive understanding for informed decision-making and financial well-being
- Unit 1 – Finance for the Individual (FFTI) 30 GLH Non-exam assessment Externally assessed 25%
- Unit 2 – Finance in Business (FIIB) 30 GLH Non-exam assessment Externally assessed 25%
- Unit 3 – Financial Services Sector (FISS) 60 GLH Assessment by examination Externally assessed 50% (Yr11)
Module 1 – Unit 1
- LO1 Budgeting
- LO2 Fundamentals of banking.
- LO3 Lending providers and their borrowing products.
Module 2 – Unit 1
- LO4 Savings providers and their savings products.
- LO5 Investment providers and their investment products.
- LO6 Insurance and Insurance types and providers.
Module 3 – Unit 1
- LO7 Personal life cycle.
- LO8 Taxation, NI and HMRC documentation
Module 4 – Unit 2
- LO1 Business models
- LO2 Sustainable business and an ethical business.
- LO3 External factors and changes on businesses.
Module 5 – Unit 2
- LO4 Attracting & retaining customers.
- LO5 Foreign exchange when importing and exporting.
- LO6 Managing business finance.
Module 6 – Unit 2
- LO7 Contributing to the economy.
- LO8 Good/poor individual financial choices
- LO9 Understand business taxation.
What are we doing to support your child?
Students are being monitored and learning is being tracked through in-class assessments. Students are encouraged to apply key terms when discussing and writing. Students have been given a schedule for their assignment to support them to stay on track. Students are able to stay behind after school should they need further support to improve understanding. Students have been given time to apply the taught skills to real life scenarios. Students are given homework to engage in research and improve their understanding of topics taught in class.
What can you do to support your child?
Students have been given a Unit 1 textbook and are encouraged to use these to revisit topics learnt in the lessons. Students are also able to access this textbook via the classroom as a PDF format or via their LIBF logins.
Students should be staying up to date and engaged with financial news and changes.
Fine Art
Subject Leader: M Blackman (marissa.blackman@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The students will be introduced to a wide range of material, techniques and processes. Students will be analysing the work of artists, photographers and craftspeople to generate an understanding and appreciation for the approaches to constructing outcomes under the unit themes.
- Module 1: Food – Artist research
- Module 2: Food – Artist research
- Module 3: Food Experimentation
- Module 4: Food Experimentation
- Module 5: Food – Final Submission
- Module 6: Year 11 – Three theme unit
What are we doing to support your child?
Pupils are set weekly homework:
- Students are asked to complete coursework pages to help support their progress.
- Students are also asked to create a wide range of outcomes both modern and traditional methods
- Students are given a checklist to support their progress
- Students are given a calendar to map their lessons, deadline, mocks and final submissions
- Lunch time intervention: the students have the opportunity during lunchtime to use the studio and computer suite if needed to generate more work.
What can you do to support your child?
At home, students need to continue to work with the booklets based on the classroom as a support to complete their artist research and develop outcomes.
Having both wet and dry art materials at home would be a great addition for the students to work at home, and continue to create outcomes. Hobbycraft is perfect for materials: https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/ Art packs can be provided if needed by the classroom teacher upon request.
Subject Leader: C Gellatly (colin.gellatly@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The curriculum is aligned to the Edexcel Geography B curriculum. This is designed to be an inquiry based learning course where key concepts can be applied and contested using knowledge of global locations which offer contrasting examples. The course covers both global issues and UK specific content. Key concepts which will have been covered in previous learning are revisited and added to. Contemporary examples are introduced in a fast paced world.
Module 1
Tectonics: Structure of the earth and plate movement theory. Hazards associated with tectonics; volcanoes and earthquakes.
Module 2
Climate change: Understanding of the global atmospheric circulation & Focus will be given to tropical storms
Module 3
Development: Examination of classifications of global development indicators.Start to look at the development of India
Module 4
India: An in depth examination of India. The importance of its location. The attraction to TNCS in assisting with its development.
Module 5
Urbanisation: The growth of towns and cities & An examination of the issues such as congestion, water and affordable housing
Module 6
Coast and field trips: Field trip to Reculver to practise fieldwork investigations.
What are we doing to support your child?
Application of knowledge is critical so we focus on past paper questions. This helps the students to become familiar with the style of questions,what is being demanded and how to answer. Lessons will encourage pupils to analyse and assess the importance of contrasting examples (development, geology, vulnerability, sustainability, global connectedness). Using the help of the Trust Geography Coordinator lessons are tailored to specific case studies. Contemporary examples will also be introduced, for example Iceland volcanic eruptions, UK floods, and global conflicts. We will always encourage students to give opinion and not be afraid to challenge and contest ideas and thinking
What can you do to support your child?
Homework will be set (using google classroom) and we do ask that support is given to complete this.
- Ensure that you read the news with your child daily.
- Challenge and seek opinions on events and hope they relate to geography.
- Ask your child to suggest how an event may differ between poor and rich countries.
- Please encourage students to use and read the knowledge organisers and key terms guides below.
Physical Education - NCFE Award in Health and Fitness
Subject Leader: G Childs (glen.childs@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
This academic year students in Year 10 will be learning and applying knowledge of the different body systems and how they aid practical performance in a range of health and fitness activities.
Module 1
Skeletal System:
- Structure and Functions of skeletal system.
- Types of bones. Types of joints. Joint actions.
- Structure of a synovial joint.
- Structure of the spine.
- Posture.
Module 2
Muscular System:
- Types of muscle. Structure.
- Muscle movement and contractions.
- Muscle fibre types Performance of muscle fibres
Module 3
Respiratory System:
- Structure of the respiratory system
- Functions of the respiratory system
- Diffusion and gaseous exchange
- Respiratory measurements
- Respiratory changes
Module 4
Cardiovascular System:
- Structure and function of the blood vessels
- Blood redistribution
- Structure of the heart
- The cardiac cycle
- Cardiovascular measurements
- Blood pressure
Module 5
Energy System Training Methods & Principles:
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems
- Training methods
- Principles of training
Module 6
Components of Fitness Lifestyle Factors:
- Skill Components of Fitness
- Health Components of Fitness
- Active/Moderate/Sedentary Lifestyles
What are we doing to support your child?
What are your curriculum strategies to support the pupils? Exam practice, extended writing, Application of key terms, Coursework schedule, monitoring and tracking.
- Students will have opportunities in lessons to complete coursework and ask subject specialist questions or concerns they may have relating to the tasks being completed.
- Regularly marked work and mini-assessments where teachers will provide live feedback to students to make them aware of improvements that can be made to their work
- End of Term Assessments with Misconception Boost Lessons.
- Every lesson includes recall questions from previous weeks and terms content
- Model answers and exemplary work provided to students so they know what each grade looks like when answering exam questions.
- Friday catch up sessions for students who are at risk of not attaining teacher set targets.
What can you do to support your child?
- All resources including lesson plans and student work uploaded to Google Classroom for ease of access.
- Support in making sure your child attends all interventions they are invited to.
- NCFE Health and Fitness Revision Guides and Textbooks can be purchased here. Click here to purchase book
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 6
Health & Social Care
Subject Leader: Kiah Metcalf-Thorpe (kiah.metcalf-thorpe@stroodacademy.org)
What is the learning focus of this module?
In Module 3, Year 10 Health and Social Care will begin to explore the taught content for RO33- Supporting Individuals Through Life Events. This unit is due to be assessed through an assignment taking place at the end of Year 10. The focus of Module 3 is exploring the 5 life stages and factors that might impact development through these stages
- Week One – Unit Overview, Introduction to Life Stages,
- Week Two – Childhood and Adolescence
- Week Three – Young, Middle and Later Adulthood, life stages review point.
- Week Four – The impact of: Physical, Social and Emotional Factors that affect development
- Week Five – The impact of: Economic, cultural and environmental factors that affect development
- Week Six – The impact of: Economic, cultural and environmental factors that affect development
Module 1
RO34 – Creative and Therapeutic Activities
Module 2
RO34 – Creative and Therapeutic Activities
Module 3
Life Stages and Factors that Affect Development at each Life Stage.
Module 4
RO33 – Supporting Individuals Through Life Events
Module 5
RO33 – Supporting Individuals Through Life Events
Module 6
RO33 – Assignment Completion and Submission
What are we doing to support your child?
- Review points throughout delivery.
- Encouraging digital learning and organisation to allow students to have easy recall of notes and digital worksheets
- Directed tasks that will support assignment readiness for students.
- Guest speaker sessions,
- Focussed, small group interventions for coursework
What can you do to support your child?
Parents and Students could use the lessons uploaded on the classroom to complete this worksheet– Please make a copy to edit!
Discussions would be encouraged at home about own life events and their effects, where appropriate to support students in their learning for module 4.
Subject Leader: Catherine Bell (catherine.bell@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
We provide a curriculum that allows students to study different aspects of the past, so they can engage with key issues such as conflict, understand what drives change and how the past influences the present. We include exciting topics for today’s world that will resonate with students, helping them gain new insights into the world around them. GCSE History builds on the skills and topics at Key Stage 3, source analysis, understanding of cause and consequence and the ability to discuss opposing interpretations, equipping students with essential skills and preparing them for further study.
Module 1
Health and the People c.1000 to present day
- Ancient medicine
- Mediaeval medicine Renaissance medicine
- Including how surgery, treatments and public health progressed, stagnated or regressed over time.
- Health and the People Revision resources
- Health and the people videos
Module 2
Health and the People c.1000 to present day
- In module 2 we cover Industrial to modern medicine. Continuing to focus on levels of progress made in surgery, treatments and public health.
- Health and the People Revision resources
- Health and the people videos
Module 3
Germany; Democracy to Dictatorship 1890 – 1945
- The rule of Kaiser Wilhelm II
- The impact of WW1 on Germany
- The creation and constitution of the Weimar Republic
- The crisis years
- The golden age
- Germany Revision Resources
- Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship videos
Module 4
Germany; Democracy to Dictatorship 1890 – 1945
- Rise of the Nazis
- Life under the Nazis
- Germany Revision Resources
- Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship videos
Module 5
Conflict and Tension: Interwar Years 1918-1939
- Treaty of Versailles; aims, punishments and reactions
- League of Nations in the 1920s
- League of Nations in the 1930s
- Crises the League faces
- Conflict and Tension Revision Resources
- Conflict and Tension videos
Module 6
Conflict and Tension: Interwar Years 1918-1939
- Hitler’s actions; Road to war
- Rearmament of Germany
- Remilitarisation of Rhineland
- Anschluss
- Sudetenland crisis/appeasement
- Nazi/Soviet Pact
- Invasion of Poland
- Conflict and Tension Revision Resources
- Conflict and Tension videos
What are we doing to support your child?
- We will provide ongoing revision through lessons and homework
- Students will receive regular feedback on their work and how they can progress
- We do regular exam practice questions
- Seneca is set to support knowledge recall (parents have been invited to join these via email)
- Revision materials provided to support at home
- Trip to support understanding of content
What can you do to support your child?
- Ensure that any missed lessons are caught up on using Google Classroom
- Check homework is regularly completed to a high standard
- Encourage regular revision
- Use Seneca with your child to promote revision and extension of knowledge.
Subject Leader: Marsha Pryce (marsha.pryce@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The Year 10 mathematics curriculum is a comprehensive and engaging program encompassing various essential mathematical concepts. Students explore geometry, including congruence, similarity, and enlargement, alongside delving into algebraic manipulations with linear equations, inequalities, and simultaneous equations. Geometric reasoning is a focal point, covering angles, bearings, and circles, and the introduction of vectors bridges algebraic and geometric thinking. Extensive coverage of ratio, fractions, and percentages aims to strengthen foundational skills in proportional reasoning, while the inclusion of probability lays a solid groundwork for future statistical thinking. Data analysis skills are developed through the study of collecting and representing data, enhancing critical thinking and data literacy. The exploration of number sequences and indices challenges students to recognize patterns and work with exponential notation. A notable emphasis on algebraic fluency is evident, requiring students to manipulate expressions and apply algebraic rules, preparing them for more advanced mathematical concepts in higher years.
- Module 1: Congruency, Similarity, Enlargement & Trigonometry
- Module 2: Linear equations, inequalities & Simultaneous equations
- Module 3: Angles, Bearings, Circles & Vectors
- Module 4: Ratio, fractions, Percentages & Probability
- Module 5: Collecting, representing & interpreting Data
- Module 6: Number sequences, Indices & Algebraic expressions
What are we doing to support your child?
In Year 10 GCSE Maths, a comprehensive approach supports students’ learning and exam readiness. Daily lessons include regular exam practice, familiarising students with GCSE formats, and strategic analysis of past papers informs targeted teaching. Biweekly tests track progress, enabling personalised intervention. Personalised learning paths accommodate diverse learning rates, offering varied resources. The year concludes with end-of-year GCSE mock exams, mirroring real conditions for diagnostic purposes. Revision strategies promote independent preparation, and a review phase encourages reflection, fostering metacognition. This integrated approach cultivates a supportive environment, ensuring a robust understanding of mathematical concepts and building confidence for GCSE success.
What can you do to support your child?
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U790
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U578
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U519
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U283 & U545
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U870
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX Code: U759
Simultaneous Equations
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX Code: U760 & U757
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U655
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U604 & U950
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U525
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U781
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U577
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX Code: U533
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX Code: U580
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U498
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U235
Collecting like terms
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U105
Expanding Brackets
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX: U768
- Video
- Exam questions
- Solutions
- SPARX Code: U365
Media Studies
Subject Leader: Kallie Worsfold (kallie.worsfold@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
In Year 10, students will be equipped with analytical skills and industry knowledge of the various forms of media. Students will analyse media language in set advertisements, magazines, film and newspapers using specific media terminology as well as exploring how the media represents social groups. Students will use this knowledge to create their own media products using software such as Photoshop.
Module 1
- Media language
- Media contexts
- Representation
Module 2
- Media language
- Media contexts
- Representation
Module 3
- Media language
- Media contexts
- Representation
- Media industries
- Audiences
Module 4
Film Marketing:
- Media industries
- Media contexts
- Media industries
- Audiences
Module 5
Video Games:
- Media industries
- Audiences
Module 6
Non-exam assessment
What are we doing to support your child?
- Weekly homework: Students are asked to reflect on what they have learnt in lessons each week by completing set tasks such as exam-style questions.
- Every lesson includes recall questions from previous content.
- End of term assessments with misconception lessons.
What can you do to support your child?
All lesson plans, resources and homework are uploaded to the Google Classroom.
Watch the videos attached and make revision cards to recap learning so far: GCSE Media Studies Revision – Year 10.pdf
Subject Leader: M Blackman (marissa.blackman@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
The students will be introduced to a wide range of material, techniques and processes. Students will be analysing the work of artists, photographers and craftspeople to generate an understanding and appreciation for the approaches to constructing outcomes under the unit themes.
- Module 1: Identity – Artist research
- Module 2: Identity – Artist research
- Module 3: Identity Experimentation
- Module 4: Identity Experimentation
- Module 5: Identity – Final Submission
- Module 6: Year 11 – Three theme unit
What are we doing to support your child?
Pupils are set weekly homework:
- Students are asked to complete coursework pages to help support their progress.
- Students are also asked to create a wide range of outcomes both modern and traditional methods
- Lunch time intervention: the students have the opportunity during lunchtime to use the studio and computer suite if needed to generate more work.
What can you do to support your child?
At home, students need to continue to work with the booklets based on the classroom as a support to complete their artist research and develop outcomes.
Having both wet and dry art materials at home would be a great addition for the students to work at home, and continue to create outcomes. Hobbycraft is perfect for materials: https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/ Art packs can be provided if needed by the classroom teacher upon request.
Subject Leader: Geraldine Ahern (geraldine.ahern@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
Throughout the year, year 10 students will develop their extended writing and speaking skills through a variety of tasks and topics based on the AQA specifications. They will also widen their vocabulary range in reading and listening activities.
Module 1
Pupils will be able to give and understand information about relationships and where they live
Module 2
Pupils will be able to give and understand information about studies and free Time
Module 3
Pupils will be able to give and understand information about social issues and future school
Module 4
Pupils will be able to give and understand information about holidays, customs and festivals
Module 5
Pupils will be able to give and understand information about education and free time
Module 6
Pupils will be able to give and understand information about marriage and partnerships
What are we doing to support your child?
Pupils are set weekly homework:
- Languagegym and Languagenut are our online learning platforms. Pupils will be set weekly vocabulary and grammar practice to help them with their learning and memory retention..
- Google quiz tests on our TOYS R KEYS and Knowledge Organiser vocabulary are set every week
After school support:
- After school intervention: the MFL department offers Year 10 an after school club every week on Thursdays.
Exam practice: Students will be set past paper exam questions using the Exampro platform regularly.
Assessments: Students will be tested on the 4 exam skills of reading, listening , writing and speaking in class.
What can you do to support your child?
We recommend the use of a revision guide to support learning and develop memory skills throughout the 2 year GCSE course. The Collins 9 to 1 AQA Spanish has a lot of varied materials to support your child.
Collins AQA Spanish 9 to 1 (Click link to purchase).
Please encourage your child to regularly go on our online platforms to learn, develop and practise skills in Spanish: Languagegym Languagenut
Subject Leader: Jonathan Newman (jonathan.newman@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
In Year 10 students will look at the basic concepts of Sociology before applying them to two different units which cover social issues, structures and processes and the concept of the family. At the end of the year we will look at the topic of Education as we move into Year 11.In Year 11 students will cover the topics of Crime and Deviance, Social Stratification and Research Methods as they continue to build upon the foundation laid down in Year 10.
Module 1
The Sociological Approach: how sociological knowledge and ideas change over time and how these ideas inform our understanding of the social world.
Module 2
Social Structures and Issues. Students explore and debate contemporary social issues in order to be able to challenge everyday understanding of social phenomena from a sociological perspective.
Module 3
- Differing views of the functions of families.
- How family forms differ in the UK and within a global context.
Module 4
- Changing relationships within families.
- How relationships within families have changed over time.
Module 5
Education: Different views of role and purpose of education.
Module 6
- Factors affecting educational achievement in British society
- Processes within schools affecting educational achievement.
What are we doing to support your child?
- We will be focusing on exam style questions and providing regular homework to reinforce and develop key ideas
- Students will receive structured lessons to introduce ideas, develop and practise related questions.
- Regular feedback will be given in class as well as on their classwork and via the Google Classroom
- Students will also be able to ask subject specific questions and be provided with regular feedback and guidance.
- Targeted interventions will also be introduced to assist with student progress
- Revision materials will also be provided to support when learning at home
What can you do to support your child?
- Ask the student to do further reading to expand on their knowledge of Sociology using https://www.britsoc.co.uk/
- Host sociological debates at home using https://www.isa-sociology.org/en
- Encourage regular revision using the Google Classroom and by visiting https://www.tutor2u.net/sociology
- Check that homework is completed regularly and to a high standard
- If lessons are missed ask students to catch up by going to their Google Classroom
Travel and Tourism
Subject Leader: Jonathan Newman (jonathan.newman@stroodacademy.org)
What is the intent of the year 10 curriculum?
In Year 10 the students will gain an understanding of the Travel and Tourism sector and also the different types of destinations in the UK. With this understanding the students will then be able to apply this to influences on global travel and tourism, the impacts of tourism and sustainable tourism in component 3.
Module 1
Unit 1
- A1 The major components of the UK travel and tourism industry:
- A2 The ownership and aims of travel and tourism organisations and how they work together
Module 2
Component 1:
- A1 The major components of the UK travel and tourism industry:
- A2 The ownership and aims of travel and tourism organisations and how they work together
Module 3
Component 1:
- A1 The major components of the UK travel and tourism industry:
- A2 revision
- B1 Visitor destinations
Module 4
Component 1
- B2 Different types of travel and tourism activities
- B3 Popularity of destinations with different visitor types
- B4 Travel options to access tourist destinations
Module 5
Component 2:
- A1 Types of market research:
- A2 How travel and tourism organisations may use market research to identify customer needs and preferences.
Module 6
Component 2:
- A3 How travel and tourism organisations may use research to identify travel and tourism trends.
What are we doing to support your child?
- Regular support and feedback on how to progress
- Practise mini assessments at regular intervals prior to the preparation and completion of the formal PSA ( Pearson Set Assignment)
- Targeted intervention following the formal assessment.
- Simplified guidance on how to successfully carry out the research and tasks for the formal PSA
- Lesson slides uploaded regularly to the Google classroom
What can you do to support your child?
- Ensure that any missed lessons are caught up using the slides on Google classroom.
- Encourage them to explore the websites of key travel and tourism organisations and also to go into travel agents.
- Help them improve their confidence in navigating the websites of travel and tourism organisations, so they can successfully find relevant information in the research time of the PSA.