Year 13 Intervention Sessions

Two Sixth Form students completing their work talking to teachers

Dear Parents/Carers,

At Strood Academy we strive to provide every opportunity to ensure your child can achieve their full potential and, with the final summer exams soon approaching, it is important that your child is maximising their time to be prepared for these exams.

To support this, we have scheduled intervention sessions and revision documents for each course provided at Strood Academy. All students have been made aware when the interventions are, and the revision documents have been placed in the relevant Google Classroom. Please be aware that at this time, the interventions are tailored for specific skills and knowledge, therefore your child may not have been invited to currently attend.

The intervention timetable and revision documents are also available on our website so that you are able to further support your child at home.

If you have any questions regarding interventions or the revision documents then please contact your child’s course teacher.

Yours faithfully,

Ms V Hancock
Head of Sixth Form
Assistant Principal