Year 13 Exams Guidance

Two Sixth Form students writing in a classroom

Dear Parents/Carers,

With exam season now started I wanted to take this opportunity to share the Strood Examinations Guidance webpage and the exam handbook. Furthermore, please remind your child of Kooth a service for young people which offers advice on how to manage stress and anxiety. Additionally, all students have been given their exam timetable; this can also be viewed via MCAS.

Information with your child has been shared at the end of Module 4 on all exam protocols and expectations. Most exams have a start time of 9am or 1:30pm; however, as we are an IB school, the IB subjects have exam start times of 9am and 1pm.

Students are expected to be in school, as usual, during the exam season. If your child has finished a particular subject, they are still expected to attend the timetabled lessons to complete independent study for their remaining exams. The final exam is the 21st June, which marks the last day of Year 13 and students will not be expected to return after this date. If your child’s last exam is before this date, then they will need to complete the leaver’s form, which will be given to them by their tutor, and return to me, as the head of sixth form, so that I can authorise them to finish Year 13.

Finally, I want to wish all of Year 13 good luck for their upcoming exams; the sixth form team will be hosting a good luck breakfast for the Year 13s on Friday 19th April during Period 1. This will provide the opportunity for students, tutors, and the Sixth Form leadership team to wish everyone well.

If you have any further questions then please email or the college teams:

Yours faithfully,

Ms V Hancock
Head of Sixth Form
Assistant Principal