Dear Parents/Carers,
The Module 4 mock series has been extremely successful and we are very proud of our Year 11 students and their conduct and behaviour in the main hall. We look forward to informing students of their results during the ‘Year 11 and Year 13 Mock Results Afternoon’ on Wednesday 20th March. We also welcome you to attend this event from 2:15pm to 3:30pm on this date to be with your child when they open their mock results envelope as well as a number of other talks led by Mr Fantania surrounding the Year 11 strategy, and an introduction to Sixth Form. We look forward to sharing their success with you at this event.
To reward Year 11 students for their exceptional conduct we are introducing an ‘8 Day Privilege’ card. The 8 days run from Wednesday 6th March to Friday 15th March and to achieve their ‘privilege’ they must attend school each day. On these dates this card needs to be signed by form tutors/intervention staff every morning to confirm their attendance on that date.
If students are present during those 8 days they are going to be given the following privileges.
- Year 11 exclusive entrance and exit via the main door at reception each day.
- Year 11 exclusive queue jump at the restaurant at lunch and break time.
- Exclusive Year 11 lunch time space.
- Attendance on all 8 days means they will be given a treat at the end of the day on Friday 15th March.
Their privilege card gives students the right to receive all of these privileges. They must look after their card and make sure not to lose it otherwise they are at risk of losing their privileges. On the 8th day they will hand over their card with 8 form tutor signatures to gain a treat!
We thank you for supporting your child in attending intervention sessions, supporting revision techniques and for ensuring their attendance to school is as high as possible. Year 11 daily attendance averages at 92.1% for this academic year, but during the mock period this averaged at 93.3%. Students are aware of how important their attendance is and how attendance links directly with attainment. We ask for your further support in ensuring that your child’s attendance is as high as possible post mock exams and in the continued build up to the summer exam series.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs West
Assistant Principal