Parking Safely

Strood Academy building

Dear Parents/Carers

Important Reminder: Safe Parking Procedures at Pick-Up Time

The safety of our pupils is our top priority at Strood Academy. We understand that pick-up times can be busy, and we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

This letter serves as a gentle reminder regarding responsible parking practices during pick-up hours. 

We kindly request that all parents and carers:

  • Avoid blocking driveways: This can significantly hinder access for residents and emergency vehicles.
  • Refrain from parking unsafely: This includes double parking, parking on yellow lines, or in designated disabled bays without a valid permit.
  • Be mindful of pedestrian crossings: Please park in a way that allows our pupils clear visibility and a safe pathway when crossing the road.

We acknowledge that finding a convenient parking space might be challenging at times. However, prioritising the safety of our children is paramount.

We encourage you to consider alternative pick-up arrangements if possible, such as:

  • Using public transport
  • Arriving by foot or bike  
  • Walking a short distance

We firmly believe that by working together, we can create a safe and efficient pick-up environment for everyone at Strood Academy.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding.

Yours faithfully

Mr Jon Richardson | Principal