Arrangements for Last Day of Term – Friday 15th December 2023

Strood Academy building

Dear Parents/Carers,

I write to you in preparation for our final day of the module on Friday 15th December. We will be having college reward assemblies to celebrate the end of term and to recognise all of the achievements of our pupils since September. These are always spectacular events which we all look forward to.

On Friday 15th December pupils will be allowed to wear a Christmas jumper, should they wish to, this is optional. The rest of the academy uniform must be worn, for example shoes, trousers, shirt, tie, blazer. The Christmas jumper can simply replace the academy jumper. Many pupils have been asking to wear a Christmas jumper on the final day of term so I’m sure many will enjoy the festivities.

To confirm, we will also have an earlier finish time on Friday 15th December, we will have a staggered dismissal between 1:30pm – 1:40pm. The bus companies have been informed of the early finish and ASD Buses have made the necessary amendments to their service. Unfortunately, Nu-Ventures have been unable to amend their service due to other commitments prior to their school service allocation. Our Reception will remain open until 15.20 to enable any parents/carers to collect their child should this be required. Should your child/ren need to remain on the academy site until 15:20 please do contact your college email address.

I hope that this early communication allows for you to place relevant arrangements for your child. We will write to you again before the end of term with further details about our return to school for Module 3. All term dates are on the academy website, but finer details will be shared with you in due course.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continued support shown for the Academy. We will continue to provide updates via the Weekly Parents Bulletin.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Jon Richardson