Year 11 Focus Group Letter

Dear Parents/Carers

Re: Year 11 Focus Group

I am pleased to be writing to invite your child to a targeted intervention session for literacy. They have been identified as having a low reading age, which means that a literacy intervention will benefit them greatly. This intervention will support their outcomes in all subjects. 

The sessions will begin on 28th November and run every Tuesday during term time, starting at 15:20 and ending at 16:00. Location: Room 149 (bottom floor Trafalgar). 

Students must bring their Chromebooks.

Please note that this intervention will run at the same time as the English intervention, but it is crucial that students attend the literacy session in order to help them succeed in all subjects, English included. 

Please do not hesitate to email me at should you have any queries. 

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours faithfully

Mrs K Hoare | Literacy Lead