Sparx Maths Raffle

Sparx Maths is the platform used by the Academy for our weekly Maths homework. Students love the platform as it includes videos to help with each question, but also that it has quick maths games in between each task completed, which provide a little break from the mental work. Even though students like the platform, they often find the more challenging questions hard to do, and so tend to not complete their homework. As an initiative to encourage the students to seek help and complete the homework, the department came up with a raffle. Each student who completes their homework on time will receive a raffle ticket to place in the raffle box located in the maths department. At the end of each term, there is a draw to select the winners. There is a main prize for the first name selected, then smaller prizes for a student from each year group. Prizes range from hamper baskets to footballs.