Reminder: Saturday Intervention Business letter

Dear Parents/Carers

A reminder that Saturday Interventions offered by the Business Department continue this weekend to provide additional coursework support for our Yr11 Enterprise students.  This provision has been put in place to allow students the flexibility to manage their coursework ahead of the 15th December deadline.  

The Business staff will be on hand to support your child to ensure they are working towards coursework completion with specific feedback provided to allow students to work at their own pace.  The faculty staff will be available to offer dedicated and specific targeted support to ensure your child is on track with an opportunity to achieve aspirational targets.

We have two further intervention sessions scheduled to take place on the following Saturdays from 9am till midday.

  • Saturday 2nd December
  • Saturday 9th December 

Although not compulsory, your child is encouraged to attend to take advantage of this support provision.  Early coursework completion will allow your child to focus solely on exam preparation for public exams later this academic year.

If you would like your child to attend, and have not done so already, please could I ask you to confirm your child’s attendance by completing the google form using the following link .

Yours faithfully

Mr A Attra | Head of Business and Computing