We are pleased to present the report for the Quality Assurance Review (QAR) which was undertaken by the Challenge Partners organisation on 29th June 2022.
Leadership and Management at the academy received Leading status from the inspection.
Some important quotes from the report are outlined below:
“Leaders, ably led by the headteacher, are able to articulate their drive and passion to improve the academy further. They have a detailed knowledge of the academy that enables them to plan precisely what is required to enable students to make further progress.”
“Leaders’ consistent approach to behaviour for learning encourages high standards of behaviour both in lessons and around the academy.”
“Learning routines are firmly established, especially in the use of reflection and assessment; for example, in the consistent use of red pen. Mostly teachers ensure that students respond in depth to improve their work.”
“Relationships between staff and students in lessons are very positive leading to a positive culture for learning. In addition, students move purposefully around the academy and take pride in their appearance.”
“The special educational needs coordinator (SENCO), supported well by the leadership team, has a clear vision, high expectations and a passion for students with SEND to do well.”
“The SENCO has established effective strategies across all subjects to ensure that students with SEND have equal access to a full curriculum. Leaders have an excellent understanding of their students and the structures in which they thrive.”
You can view the full report by clicking on the button below: