Category Archives: Letters Home

Year 11 Wednesday, Period 6 Provision

Dear Parents/Carers, After review of our Wednesday Period 6 (2pm-3pm) provision, we have decided to [...]

Summer Exams 2024 – JCQ Contingency Days

Dear Parents/Carers We will shortly be able  to share your child’s final summer exam timetable. [...]

Social Media/Parent Bulletin Feedback

Dear Parents/Carers, As you may be aware, we have put lots of work into our [...]

Important Information Regarding Drama Devising Component Intervention Sessions

Dear Parents/Carers, As you know, the Devising Component is a significant element of your child’s [...]

Year 11 February Mock Examinations

Dear Parents/Carers I hope this letter finds you well.  The Year 11 final mock examination [...]

Feb Half Term Interventions Letter

Dear Parents/Carers We hope this letter finds you well. With the February half-term break fast [...]

Leigh Academies Trust Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Carers, Firstly, thank you for your continued support. Since joining the academy as Principal [...]

Year 11 Citizenship Studies

Dear Parents/Carers, Please see the Module 3 update for Citizenship Studies. Please note the links [...]

Year 13 Intervention Sessions

Dear Parents/Carers, At Strood Academy we strive to provide every opportunity to ensure your child [...]

Year 10 Progress Reports M3

Dear Parents/Carers Today a report on your child’s progress for this academic year has been [...]