Year 6 Open Evening – Thursday 21st September 2023

Three students talking and smiling while walking towards the camera.

Dear Parents/Carers,

Following the weekly bulletin you received on Friday 15th September, I write to you to share that we will be having an early finish on Thursday 21st September. Pupils will be dismissed from 2:30pm to enable our academy to be prepared for Year 6 open evening which commences at 4:00pm.

The bus companies have been informed of the early finish and ASD Buses have made the necessary amendments to their service. Unfortunately, Nu-Ventures have been unable to amend their service due to other commitments prior to their school service allocation. Our Reception will remain open until 15:20 to enable any parents/carers to collect their child should this be required.

Should you require your child to remain at the academy until the normal finish time of 3:20pm please contact your child’s college office as soon as possible.

I hope that this early communication allows for you to place relevant arrangements for your child.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Jon Richardson