Winter Weather

Dear Parents/Carers

Winter weather and possible closure

As we progress into the winter months, I am writing to remind you of the arrangements in case of severe weather.  Our position is to remain open if we possibly can, taking into account the safety of children and staff.  We have our own snow clearing equipment and are fortunate enough to have a self-contained building that does not require children to go outside during the day.  

Should we have a severe snowfall we will firstly assess the site and take into account travel warnings that are issued.  Whilst most children live within a short distance of the school, many staff drive up to thirty miles each morning.  If we need to close all or part of the school please note the following arrangements:

  1. A decision will usually be made by 6.30am and will be posted on the Academy website at This is the most up to date and reliable source of information.  There might be a full or partial closure, or a late start to allow staff to access and clear the site.  The message will be updated daily.
  2. We will also post this information on our Facebook site and other social media accounts. 
  3. We post a notice on the Kent Messenger school closure service at  This may then be broadcasted, although on days with multiple school closures they usually do not provide the more detailed message.
  4. We will endeavour to send a notice via Parentmail.  If you are not currently signed up to Parentmail, please contact the main office.
  5. If attending in severe weather children should wear outdoor shoes or boots and bring a change of footwear to wear whilst in the building.
  6. The access road to our site may not be cleared by the council and this may create difficult conditions for those parents who drop their children by car.
  7. If we are closed, work will be set for pupils of Google Classroom and they will be expected to complete all lessons for that particular day. 

We hope by providing this guidance now we alleviate some of the queries we receive in the event of a school closure. Please let me reassure you that we will do all we can to remain open at all times. 

Yours faithfully

Mr J Richardson | Principal