Course Duration
2 Years
Entry Criteria
Grade 5 in English (language or literature)
Grade 5 in history, sociology or citizenship
Course Duration
2 Years
Entry Criteria
Grade 5 in English (language or literature)
Grade 5 in history, sociology or citizenship
The BTEC Applied Law course is based on work-related learning, giving learners an edge and opening the door to higher education or employment in legal or business sectors.
It covers a wide range of topics and skills that will help students to higher education courses, such as a BA in Law (LLB), an apprenticeship or training routes in the legal sector to higher education, employment or an apprenticeship.
On the course you will gain many skills, including: Case study research, Teamwork and Client communication.
The BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Law provides an introduction to the legal sector providing content consistent with current practice. The course supports progression to higher education, advanced apprenticeship in legal services and ultimately employment in the legal sector. It is assessed by two internally assessed units and two externally assessed units
There are many pathways that work effectively with this course. Students go on to higher education, apprenticeships and employment often in pathways such as the following: