Personal Development Module 4

Dear Parents/Carers

In our ongoing commitment to safeguarding all students at Strood Academy, I am writing to you to inform you about the topics being covered in Personal Development during Module 4. The primary goal of Personal Development is to support the holistic development of young pupils, focusing on aspects such as mental wellbeing, sense of purpose, and independence to prepare them for life in the modern world.

Personal Development classes, scheduled during Period 5 every Wednesday, adhere to the recommended PSHE/RSHE curriculum provided by the PSHE Association. This curriculum is structured around three main themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World. Additionally, for Module 4, we have incorporated a substantial element of the MYP curriculum for Year 9, this being the Community Project. 

Throughout Module 4, each year group will follow a distinct scheme of work tailored to their developmental stage:

  • Year 7: Health and Wellbeing (Mental health & body image)
  • Year 8: Relationships (identifying healthy relationships, consent, sexuality and safe sex)
  • Year 9: IB MYP Community Project
  • Year 10: Living in the wider world (finances, careers & digital literacy)
  • Year 11: Exam Preparation
  • Year 12: Respectful relationships (including intimacy, boundaries, meeting new people, and online)
  • Year 13: Staying safe (in preparation for university, leaving home or starting work)

Should you have any further questions regarding the content and materials covered in these sessions please do not hesitate to contact me via the Trafalgar college email address (

Yours faithfully

Mr C Pleasant | Vice Principal