Module 1 Schedule of Learning
Year 7 - New Year New Me & Relationships
- 1 – Introduction to Strood Academy
- 2 – Managing Transition
- 3- When are key points of transition in my life?
- 4 – What are my strengths and interests?
- 5 – How do I make friends?
- 6 – How can I be a good friend?
Year 8 - Relationships
- 1 – What different kinds of relationships can someone have?
- 2 – How can relationships make us happy?
- 3 – Falling in love
- 4 – How can we manage conflict in relationships?
- 5 – What are the different types of family and does it matter what type of family I have?
- 6 – Cohabitation
Year 9 - Relationships
- 1 – Human Trafficking
- 2 – What is stalking and harassment?
- 3 – How can we tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships?
- 4 – What are coercive and controlling relationships? How are they abusive?
- 5 – Forced and arranged marriages. What do we need to know?
Year 10 - Relationships
- 1 – Campaigning against FGM
- 2 – Sexting – Nudes and semi nudes
- 3 – What are the dangers of porn? Lesson 1
- 4 – What are the dangers of porn? Lesson 2
- 5 – Domestic abuse and violence
- 6 – Relationships, sexual abuse and rape
- 7 – Sexualisation and the media
Year 11 - Relationships
- 1 – Child on child abuse. What is this and why is it a concern?
- 2 – Fertility and what impacts it
- 3 – Alcohol and bad choices
- 4 – Importance of sexual health
- 5 – Contraception – What different types are there?
- 6 – Revisiting STIs
- 7 – Respect. Why is this important in a relationship?
Year 12 - Relationships
- 1 – How do I express myself responsibly?
- 2 – Free speech vs hate speech
- 3 – Social Justice
- 4 – Honour based violence
- 5 – Feminism – part 1
- 6 – Feminism – part 2
- 7 – Abortion debate
Year 13 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Managing safety online
- 2 – Being a responsible young driver
- 3 – Drink/drug driving
- 4 – Online Dating safety
- 5 – Weekend personal safety
- 6 – What do I need to do when I travel abroad?
- 7 – What health precautions should I take when I travel abroad?
Module 2 Schedule of Learning
Year 7 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Why is smoking so bad for us and why must we try to avoid second hand smoke?
- 2 – How dangerous are drugs and what are the different types?
- 3 – Vaping, Nicotine and Addiction
- 4 – Alcohol awareness
- 5 – Drugs and the Law
- 6 – Should cannabis be legalised?
Year 8 - Relationships
- 1 – What does it mean to make a commitment in a relationship?
- 2 – What is marriage?
- 3 – What is a civil partnership?
- 4 – Blended families
- 5 – What is a divorce?
- 6 – What is a forced and an arranged marriage?
Year 9 - Relationships
- 1 – What are acid attacks?
- 2 – What is consent?
- 3 – What are positive and negative risks and how can we make better decisions? (Linking back to healthy and unhealthy relationships)
- 4 – What is peer pressure and how can this be dangerous? (Linking back to healthy and unhealthy relationships)
- 5 – Consent – Revisited
- 6 – CSE and grooming (linking back to characteristics of an unhealthy relationship
Year 10 - Staying Safe
- 1 – Honour based violence
- 2 – Forced marriages
- 3 – Online Gambling
- 4 – Social Media Validation
- 5 – Keeping Data Safe
- 6 – Modern Day Slavery
- 7 – Causes of knife crime
Year 11 - Staying Safe on and offline
- 1 – VR and AI – What are the benefits and what are the costs?
- 2 – Drugs NPS
- 3 – Festivals and nitrous oxide
- 4 – War on drugs
- 5 – Cosmetic surgery
- 6 – Drugs and substance
- 7 – Online reputation
Year 12 - Relationships
- 1 – Forced Marriage & Honour based violence
- 2 – Healthy relationships – 1
- 3 – Healthy relationships – 2
- 3 – Consent
- 4 – STIs
- 5 – Contraception
- 6 – Pregnancy
Year 13 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Basic first aid
- 2 – Contraception recap
- 3 – What are STIs?
- 4 – How can I take responsibility for my sexual health?
- 5 – Where can I go to get assistance with my sexual health? 6 – What are the different methods of birth control?
Module 3 Schedule of Learning
Year 7 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Why is smoking so bad for us and why must we try to avoid second hand smoke?
- 2 – How dangerous are drugs and what are the different types?
- 3 – Vaping, Nicotine and Addiction
- 4 – Alcohol awareness
- 5 – Drugs and the Law
- 6 – Should cannabis be legalised?
Year 8 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – What does it mean to make a commitment in a relationship?
- 2 – What is marriage?
- 3 – What is a civil partnership?
- 4 – Blended families
- 5 – What is a divorce?
- 6 – What is a forced and an arranged marriage?
Year 9
- 1 – Anti-social behaviour
- 2 – Gangs. Are they really that glamorous?
- 3 – County lines. What is this and how are young people exploited?
- 4 – County lines. What is this and how are young people exploited?
- 5 – Linking gangs to the local context
- 6 – How can you link gangs and anti-social behaviour?
Year 10 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – CSE
- 2 – Screen time
- 3 – Common types of mental health problems
- 4 – Self harm
- 5 – Suicide
- 6 – Promoting emotional well being
Year 11 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Organ donation and blood donation
- 2 – teenage pregnancy
- 3 – Abortion Laws
- 4 – Testicular and prostate cancer
- 5 – Cervical and breast cancer
- 6 – Love and abuse
Year 12 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – body image and self-esteem; strategies to manage this pressure
- 2 – Plastic surgery.
- 3 – Positive mental health, including managing stress and anxiety
- 4 – How can I recognise signs of depression?
- 5 – How can I recognise signs of anxiety?
- 6 – How can I recognise signs of Eating Disorders
Year 13 - Relationships
- 1 – What does manipulation and negative persuasion look like online and offline?
- 2 – What should I do if I am in an abusive relationship?
- 3 – Why is honour based violence an issue and what should I do if I am worried?
- 4 – What are my rights in relation to harassment and what should I do?
- 5 – How do I de-escalate and exit aggressive social situations?
- 6 – What are the dangers and consequences of being involved in gangs, serious organised crime or carrying a weapon?
Module 4 Schedule of Learning
Year 7 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Why is good oral health important?
- 2 – Body Image
- 3 – How can we prevent infection?
- 4 – Who are anti-vaxxers and how is this movement a danger to public health?
- 5 – What is immunisation and vaccination?
- 6 – Why is sleep important?
Year 8 - Relationships
- 1 – What is friendship?
- 2 – Maintaining genuine friendships and avoiding toxic ones
- 3 – What is bullying?
- 4 – Bullying or banter – what is and what isn’t acceptable?
- 5 – How can we prevent online bullying?
- 6 – How can we keep safe and positive relationships?
Year 9 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Why is it important to show and treat others with respect?
- 2 – Do we need to worry about tattoos and body piercings?
- 3 – Body Image
- 4 – Selfie Safety – Why do we need to be careful about sharing images of ourselves online?
- 5 – Social media, the pressure of life online and keeping up with other people
- 6 – Smartphone addiction – is this real and can this cause us harm?
Year 10 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Instagram Generation
- 2 – Targeted advertising and your data
- 3 – Marriage. What is it?
- 4 – Rights and responsibilities
- 5 – Consumer rights
- 6 – Employment rights
- 7 – Exploring a paycheck
Year 11 - Health & Wellbeing (Life Beyond School)
- 1 – Time Management
- 2 – LGBT Rights across The World
- 3 – Exam stress and relaxation
- 4 – Insta Life VS Real Life
- 5 – CV Writing
- 6 – Writing a personal statement
Year 12 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – Why is self examination important? Breast cancer
- 2 – Why is self examination important? Testicular cancer
- 3 – Why is self examination important? Cervical cancer
- 4 – Why is self examination important? Skin cancer
- 5 – What is meningitis and why should I be aware of this?
- 6 – Why should I only seek the advice and guidance of legitimate health services?
Year 13 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – How do I plan expenditure and budget for changes in circumstances (e.g. when moving out or going to university)?
- 2 – How do I manage salary deductions including taxation, national insurance and pensions?
- 3 – What are my savings options?
- 4 – What are my consumer rights, including resolving disputes and accessing appropriate support?
- 5 – How do I manage financial contracts including, mobile phone services?
- 6 – How do rent/buy a property?
Module 5 Schedule of Learning
Year 7 - Health & Wellbeing
- 1 – What do we mean by emotions?
- 2- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- 3 – Self-awareness
- 4 – Resilience
- 5 – What is anxiety?
- 6 – What is depression?
- 7 – How can we support others with their mental health?
Year 8 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – What is a stereotype?
- 2 – What is sexism?
- 3 – What is transphobia?
- 4 – What is homophobia?
- 5 – Are disabled people treated differently in society?
- 6 – Racism
Year 9 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – Why is gambling so addictive and how do online gambling sites lure us in?
- 2 – Personal Safety and first aid
- 3- How can you stay safe in your community?
- 4 – Road Safety
- 5 – Electric Scooters
- 6 – Road safety campaign
Year 10 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – Exploring British Values
- 2 – What is a cult?
- 3 – Exploring Britishness
- 4 – LGBT Rights and British Values
- 5 – What are human rights?
- 6 – Exploring human rights
Year 12 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – What is important to me in a relationship?
- 2 – Why is it important to recognise and challenge discrimination?
- 3 – How can faith and culture influence our relationships?
- 4 – How can we manage adult relationships? Including those in the work place
- 5 – Why is it important to manage my personal safety?
- 6 – Drink spiking. What is it and why should I know about it?
Module 6 Schedule of Learning
Year 7 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – Getting to know people
- 2 – What is a community
- 3 – Careers and your future
- 4 – Sleep and relaxation
- 5 – Making good financial decisions
- 6 – Financial Health
Year 8 - Living in the wider world
- 7 – Islamophobia
- 8 – What is ageism?
- 9 – How can tolerance be promoted?
- 10 – What is a protected characteristic?
- 11 – What are Human Rights?
- 12 – Human Rights Campaign
Year 9 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – Why is my digital footprint important?
- 2 – Online bullying – what is it?
- 3 – Sun safety
- 4 – Harassment and upskirting
- 5 – Knife Crime – why is this on the rise?
- 6 – Anti-social behaviour
Year 10 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – International organisations
- 2 – Aid and supporting other countries
- 3 – Fairtrade
- 4 – Peace, war and conflict
- 5 – Women’s Rights
- 6 – Me too Movement
Year 12 - Living in the wider world
- 1 – Overdrafts
- 2 – What is a credit card and how can I manage thus?
- 3 – Loans and student finance
- 4 – Budgeting
- 5 – Resilience
- 6 – UCAS/Managing my next steps