We place a great deal of emphasis on the appearance of our students at Strood Academy. We expect them to be smart, well presented and to wear full uniform at all times.
Uniform Suppliers
Our academy uniform is only available from the following suppliers:
- Brigade, (online only)
- Monkhouse (previously Simmonds), Chatham (in-store and online)
Suppliers & Information Flyers
Please contact info@stroodacademy.org if you require financial assistance with the cost of uniform. This is available for those students in receipt of free school meals.
‘Pre-owned’ at Strood Academy is our second hand uniform shop that is there to support our disadvantaged families during the cost of living crisis and beyond. As an academy we pride ourselves on our unapologetically high expectations and ‘Pre-owned’ supports all pupils to ensure that they have the correct uniform every day, at a lower cost. This will allow our pupil premium students to flourish, thrive and promote social justice, through excellent outcomes for all.
When receiving ‘Pre-owned’ uniforms, Parents/Guardians are asked to make a donation via Parent Pay, at a cost that is affordable to them. This donation will be directly put back into the academy to support disadvantaged families with trip payments, stationary and resources such as revision guides.
Please email Mrs West gaby.west@stroodacademy.org with any requests for ‘Pre-owned’ uniform.
Boys & Girls Uniform
Academy blazer with badge which must be worn at all times.
Plain white shirt (long or short sleeved).
Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
College Tie
Clip on tie – MUST be at the appropriate length:
The tip of the “diamond” must sit at the mid part of the waistband / belt.
Black school trousers (back pockets and studs are not permitted).
Black School Shoes
Black shoes (no boots or trainers). There should be no coloured laces or stitching.
Belt (optional)
Black belt with a plain silver or gold buckle (no logo).
Branded Sweatshirt (optional)
Black V-neck jumper with Academy logo
Plain black ankle socks
Academy blazer with badge which must be worn at all times.
Plain pale blue blouse (long or short sleeved).
Black stitched down pleated skirt and must sit within 5cm of the knee.
Skirts must not be rolled up or under.
Black tailored trousers
Black School Shoes
Black shoes (no boots or trainers). There should be no coloured laces or stitching.
Branded Sweatshirt (optional)
Black V-neck jumper with Academy logo
Socks or Tights
Plain black ankle socks or tights
All students must have a Strood Academy PE Kit which must be worn for each lesson regardless of illness or injury. This includes:
- Strood PE Top
- PE Shorts or Leggings (with Strood logo)
- Trainers – Plain White or Black (please note a discreet logo is permitted)
- Dance Footwear (due to the specialised flooring, trainers and shoes are not permitted. Jazz shoes, ballet shoes and gripper socks are permitted.)
- Socks – Plain white sports socks (bring spare to change)
- A change of socks – we would advise Football socks for PE
- School coats or hoodies are not to be worn in PE lessons
- Strood Sweatshirt (please note this must be the Strood branded sweatshirt)
- Strood Tracksuit Bottoms (please note these must be the Strood branded jogging bottoms)
- Sports Gumshield – For contact sports such as Rugby
All PE kit must be named.
- No coats are allowed to be worn in the school building and no hoods up on the academy site.
- Hoodies are banned from the site and will also be confiscated from students if worn.
- No baseball caps/ hats in the academy building
- No leggings, skinny Jeans, denim trousers, chinos or non- school trousers.
- No sweatshirts or non-school jumpers are to be worn at any time.
- Students should only wear one pair of small gold or silver studded earrings to school.
- No facial piercings such as nose studs (including clear nose studs and retainers).
An example of acceptable earrings:

- No bracelets or necklaces allowed.
- No rings allowed.
- No trainers, boots, high heeled shoes, this includes black trainers or any shoe that the school judges to be a trainer.
- No white socks
- No knee length/ thigh length socks to be worn at any time.
- No painted nails, false/acrylic nails.
- No fake tan
- Make-up of any kind must not be worn by Years 7-9.
- No hair accessories allowed
- Students are expected to be clean shaven.
- No shaving or slits in the eyebrows, they must be natural.
- No extreme haircuts e.g skin fades, graphics, lines and no shorter than a grade 1 (Senior leadership teams discretion).
- No false eyelashes or extensions.
Uniform infringements will result in a 30 minute detention. If uniform cannot be rectified, this will result in pupils being placed within the Internal Engagement Room for the duration of the academy day and dismissed at 4:20pm. Students will continue to receive their class work on their Chromebooks.
All students are required to have a suitable school bag, which can accommodate their Chromebook, A4 class books and other essential items. (A compulsory Strood Academy bag will be introduced from September 2024. You will be able to purchase from January 2024.)
Students must bring their Chromebook to school each day fully charged.
Students must have an equipped clear pencil case (in preparation for exams), containing the minimum of:
- 2X Black Pens (Biro or Gel)
- 2X Red Pens (Biro or Gel)
- 2X Pencils
- Ruler
- Rubber
- Scientific Calculator