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KS3: MYP Language Acquisition - French


Students in MFL through the MYP will engage in a range of cultural and academic experiences that enable them to read, write, speak and listen to authentic materials. Students will engage in learning a language for pleasure, showing interest in cultural aspects of the language, through an environment which makes links with other countries and cultures to prepare students for a global life as a citizen of the world.

In Modern Foreign Languages we strive to:

  • Engage students in learning a language for pleasure, showing interest in cultural aspects of the language as well as its linguistic aspects.
  • Create an environment which makes links with other countries and cultures to prepare students for a global life as a citizen of the world.
  • Encourage students to work towards their target grades equally across the 4 language skills in both KS3 and KS4.
  • Create, develop and review a flexible curriculum through schemes of work that suit both ends of the spectrum – able and less able students-  reflected in our planning with sequenced schemes of work.
  • Create and review our lessons and content, using a broad but achievable delivery approach, with balanced, sequenced activities.
  • Focus on broadening our Ebacc and MYP curriculum to include more cultural and authentic materials with links to other subjects, ensuring children have a curriculum which will enable them to develop their cultural capital through language learning.

Curriculum Journey

We aim to develop students’ language and communication skills by teaching and revisiting learning on set topics using grammar and phonetics as pillars to language retention and production. Throughout their journey students will be exposed to the 4 skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking with a gradual rise in difficulty in KS3 and KS4.

Using all 4 skills,  a selection of topics are introduced in year 7, developed in year 8 and reinforced and this is then further extended in year 9. Our main topics are based on the MYP guidance and its global contexts for teaching and learning. These contexts are explored and revisited in a carousel style delivery throughout KS3. We advocate revisiting topics as it helps us reinforce and extend students’ knowledge throughout KS3 and is a key part of our recap and recall strategy.

Within the MYP framework pupils are put into phases. Year 7 and 8 are in phase 1 and year 9 in phase 2. Pupils in phase 1 are exposed to basic skills and vocabulary and are encouraged to develop those skills using reading, speaking, listening and writing tasks. In phase 2 pupils are introduced to more detailed skills and vocabulary and develop a wider range of skills through multimodal texts. In KS4 pupils will consolidate their MYP learning by building on their previous knowledge to understand, formulate and apply more complex structures and vocabulary.

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: Identity and relationships (Criteria C – Speaking)
  • Module 2: Identity and relationships (Criteria D – Writing)
  • Module 3: Local and international places (Criteria A – Listening and B – Reading)
  • Modules 4 and 5: In and out of school (Criteria A – Listening, B – Reading, C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 6: Festivals

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: In and out of school part 2 (Criteria A – Listening)
  • Module 2: The wider world (Criteria B – Reading)
  • Module 3: Healthy lifestyles (Criteria C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 4: Past holidays
  • Module 5: Future holidays (Criteria A – Listening, B – Reading, C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 6: Media and Technology

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: Routine and relationships (Criteria A – Listening and B – Reading)
  • Module 2: Routine and relationships (Criteria C – Speaking)
  • Module 3: School and future plans (Criteria D – Writing)
  • Module 4: Music and online activities
  • Module 5: Sports and activities (Criteria A – Listening, B – Reading, C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 6: Fashion in the hispanic world


For each topic, across key stage three, students will carry out research, rehearse, perform and evaluate their own or another individual’s work.


How this is assessed

A – Reading

Students will be asked to listen to an extract and will:

  • identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)
  • analyse conventions
  • analyse connections.

B – Reading

Students will be given a text to read and will:

  • identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)
  • analyse conventions
  • analyse connections.

C – Speaking

Students will be asked questions and will :

  • use a wide range of vocabulary
  • use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
  • use clear pronunciation and intonation in comprehensible manner
  • communicate all the required information clearly and effectively.

D – Writing

Students will be asked to answer questions and will:

  • use a wide range of vocabulary
  • use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
  • organize information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of simple and some complex cohesive devices
  • communicate all the required information with a clear sense of audience and purpose to suit the context.

Final grades are then awarded from a range of 1-8, with each ascending grade demonstrating the students mastery of that particular subject.

If you would like more information about Language Acquisition please refer to the IB subject brief here:


KS3: MYP Language Acquisition - Spanish


In Modern Foreign Languages we strive to:

  • Engage students in learning a language for pleasure, showing interest in cultural aspects of the language as well as its linguistic aspects.
  • Create an environment which makes links with other countries and cultures to prepare students for a global life as a citizen of the world.
  • Encourage students to work towards their target grades equally across the 4 language skills in both KS3 and KS4.
  • Create, develop and review a flexible curriculum through schemes of work that suit both ends of the spectrum – able and less able students-  reflected in our planning with sequenced schemes of work.
  • Create and review our lessons and content, using a broad but achievable delivery approach, with balanced, sequenced activities.
  • Focus on broadening our Ebacc and MYP curriculum to include more cultural and authentic materials with links to other subjects, ensuring children have a curriculum which will enable them to develop their cultural capital through language learning.

Curriculum Journey

At Strood Academy we use the Middle Years Programme to deliver KS3 to our students. This enables students to access a varied, cultured based curriculum. The curriculum is divided into 4 criteria or skills: Comprehending spoken and visual text (Listening), Comprehending written and visual text (Reading), Communicating in response to spoken and/or written and/or visual text (Speaking) and Using language in spoken and/or written form (Writing). 

Using all 4 skills,  a selection of topics are introduced in year 7, developed in year 8 and reinforced/ extended in year 9. Our main topics are based on the MYP guidance and its global contexts for teaching and learning. These contexts are explored and revisited in a carousel style delivery throughout KS3. We advocate revisiting topics as it helps us reinforce and extend students’ knowledge throughout KS3 and is a key part of our recap and recall strategy.

As recommended by the National Curriculum, pupils are required to develop grammar, vocabulary and linguistic competence, which will be delivered with a topic by topic approach. In order to strengthen pupils’ memory skills, topics will be intertwined from one unit to the next. There will also be a gradual rise in difficulty in each of the four skills. The content for each topic is available to students in their vocabulary booklets to enable support and help with home learning. 

In order to support learning we sequence skills each lesson and use a detailed lesson by lesson planner each term. This is to inform planning and delivery of lessons and to ensure we balance the use of all skills with the cultural and global aspects of the MYP requirements. We also use a variety of strategies to recap and recap all skills and vocabulary and gradually increase the level of difficulty to challenge students.  Pupils are given access to Knowledge Organisers, termly vocabulary booklets, weekly tests and final tests and are assessed 8 times each year (two assessments per skill). We use the phases and levels guide to adapt our teaching and planning, ensuring sequencing and progress in learning.

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: Identity and relationships (Criteria C – Speaking)
  • Module 2: Identity and relationships (Criteria D – Writing)
  • Module 3: Local and international places (Criteria A – Listening and B – Reading)
  • Modules 4 and 5: In and out of school (Criteria A – Listening, B – Reading, C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 6: Festivals

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: In and out of school part 2 (Criteria A – Listening)
  • Module 2: The wider world (Criteria B – Reading)
  • Module 3: Healthy lifestyles (Criteria C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 4: Past holidays
  • Module 5: Future holidays (Criteria A – Listening, B – Reading, C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 6: Media and Technology

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: Routine and relationships (Criteria A – Listening and B – Reading)
  • Module 2: Routine and relationships (Criteria C – Speaking)
  • Module 3: School and future plans (Criteria D – Writing)
  • Module 4: Music and online activities
  • Module 5: Sports and activities (Criteria A – Listening, B – Reading, C – Speaking and D – Writing)
  • Module 6: Fashion in the hispanic world


For each topic, across key stage three, students will carry out research, rehearse, perform and evaluate their own or another individual’s work.


How this is assessed

A – Reading

Students will be asked to listen to an extract and will:

  • identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)
  • analyse conventions
  • analyse connections.

B – Reading

Students will be given a text to read and will:

  • identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)
  • analyse conventions
  • analyse connections.

C – Speaking

Students will be asked questions and will :

  • use a wide range of vocabulary
  • use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
  • use clear pronunciation and intonation in comprehensible manner
  • communicate all the required information clearly and effectively.

D – Writing

Students will be asked to answer questions and will:

  • use a wide range of vocabulary
  • use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
  • organize information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of simple and some complex cohesive devices
  • communicate all the required information with a clear sense of audience and purpose to suit the context.

Final grades are then awarded from a range of 1-8, with each ascending grade demonstrating the students mastery of that particular subject.

If you would like more information about Language Acquisition please refer to the IB subject brief here:


KS4: GCSE English Language


In Modern Foreign Languages we strive to:

  • Engage students in learning a language for pleasure, showing interest in cultural aspects of the language as well as its linguistic aspects.
  • Create an environment which makes links with other countries and cultures to prepare students for a global life as a citizen of the world.
  • Encourage students to work towards their target grades equally across the 4 language skills.
  • Create, develop and review a flexible curriculum through schemes of work that suit both ends of the spectrum – able and less able students-  reflected in our planning with sequenced schemes of work.
  • Create and review our lessons and content, using a broad but achievable delivery approach, with balanced, sequenced activities.

Curriculum Journey

KS4 will start in year 10 and pupils will follow a two year curriculum course based on the AQA specifications. Our curriculum is based on recap and recall strategies and pupils will revisit topics they studied in KS3 to reinforce their memory skills and support the development of new and more difficult grammatical skills. They will then be challenged with more complex vocabulary and structures taken from the AQA specification booklet in order for them to be prepared for their final exams.

As per the AQA equal weighing of the 4 skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) pupils’ lessons will be divided into activities based on each exam skill, every lesson. In these lessons pupils will have access to authentic materials, exam based questions through the Exampro platform and the resources from the Kerboodle AQA GCSE digital books.

We aim to have the support of a Language Assistant once a week to support pupils with daily tasks and have one to one sessions in order to meet the demands of the speaking exams. Tasks will be modelled on assessment tasks to help pupils get familiar with the exam rubrics and structures.


Pupils studying Spanish will be well placed to pursue a career pathway in:

  • Translation
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Education
  • Governmental jobs


Internal Assessment (Mocks)

External Assessment

Mocks in all 4 components 

  • Year 10 June Module 6
  • Year 11 December module 2
  • Year 11 March module 4

AQA GCSE Spanish 8698

  • Paper 1: Listening
  • Paper 2: Speaking
  • Paper 3: Reading
  • Paper 4: Writing

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: Relationships and family
  • Module 2: My studies and free time
  • Module 3: Social issues and life at school
  • Module 4: Customs and festivals , travel and tourism
  • Module 5: Education post 16 free time activities
  • Module 6: Marriage and partnerships

Schedule of learning

  • Module 1: Global issues and environment
  • Module 2: Career choice and ambitions
  • Module 3: Technology and voluntary work
  • Module 4: Revision
  • Module 5: Revision & speaking exam
  • Module 6: Revision / exams