Year 9 Globe Theatre Trip

Strood Academy Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers

We are excited to be able to offer 30 year 9 students the opportunity to visit The Globe Theatre in London to watch Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ on Friday 14th June.  This is a text that year 9 have recently studied making an excellent chance to see a play they have studied come to life on stage. 

Across KS4 students will study both a Shakespearean and Modern play so the opportunity to experience live theatre will support them in their understanding of the drama texts they will go on to study.

We will travel to and from the theatre, which is near London Bridge, by train. Students will come to school as usual and have the opportunity to have lunch in the school restaurant before departure at 12pm. We will make our way to Rochester station on the school minibuses and take a direct train into London.

We are aiming to return to Rochester by 5.30pm.  Please use this form to indicate whether you wish your child to make their own way home from Rochester or whether you would prefer them to return to school.

To cover the price of the theatre ticket as well as the train ticket the cost of the trip will be £13pp payable via ParentPay. As places for this trip are limited to 30, a quick sign up will make it more likely a place is secured.

I hope you agree this is an excellent opportunity for your child to experience live theatre. If you have any questions please email

Yours faithfully

Mrs A Webster | Director of English