Year 7 NGRT

Strood Academy Letter image

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I first wrote to you in July to inform you that all year 7 students would be sitting a reading age test called the NGRT. This follow up letter is to confirm that the new date of the test (allowing for the Chromebook distribution on 12th September) is Monday 16th September.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Period 3: Year 7 Hercules
  • Period 4: Year 7 Trafalgar
  • Period 5: Year 7 Victory

The location is the main hall, but we do understand that navigating a new building can be quite daunting for new students. Please reassure your child that they will be escorted to the main hall by their classroom teacher. There will also be numerous staff on hand to support during the test.

The purpose of conducting these reading tests is to assess the reading age of students accurately. This information will enable us to identify any individual students who may require additional support and/or intervention. We view these tests as a very positive thing as they enable us to meet the needs of every child at the school; there is absolutely no need for your child to be nervous about this test.

This is a formal assessment, and therefore will be conducted in silence. However, there is no revision or preparation necessary. Please ensure their new Strood Academy Chromebook is charged.

Thank you for your support. I hope your child settles wonderfully into Strood Academy and that they enjoy their time with us.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs K Hoare | Lead Practitioner for Literacy,