Dear Parents / Carers,
We are proud to be the school of choice and are privileged to welcome you to our vibrant and supportive community. We are committed to ensuring a smooth and successful transition for Primary students who are currently in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 and we believe it is vital to maintain early relationships with both parents and students.
Weekly transition sessions:
To achieve this, we have commenced a series of weekly sessions each Wednesday from 4pm – 5pm. We believe this is a fantastic opportunity to alleviate any anxieties your child/ren may have about starting secondary school and to foster a positive relationship between our school.
Open mornings:
We are also hosting a number of open mornings for you to visit the academy during the day to see our academy in action. It would be excellent if you could join us for a school tour.
Summer school:
This year we will be launching a two day summer school for pupils in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. This again highlights our commitment to supporting students’ transition into the academy. Further information will be published in term 6.
Our weekly bulletin:
At Strood Academy we share our weekly bulletin with all parents and carers. This is welcomed by our parents as it gives information of forthcoming events within the Academy and also shares information about events within our Colleges and important dates for your diary.
How do you sign up?
Please fill in the form attached here to indicate what dates/sessions you would like to attend. If you would like to receive our weekly bulletin please confirm this on the form as well.
Yours sincerely
Mr Jon Richardson | Principal, Strood Academy