Year 13 Reports

Strood Academy Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers 

Today a report on your child’s progress for this academic year has been uploaded to MCAS. The report includes a current grade based upon all assessments completed to date, mock exam grades, a forecast (predicted) grade which indicates the grade currently most likely to be achieved in the summer and an Attitude to Learning grade. In addition, the attendance figure for your child is provided as we recognise the impact that excellent levels of attendance has upon raising achievement, with even slight increases in attendance levels having a dramatic impact upon final outcomes. 

A level grades are awarded from a range of A*-U; vocational grades are awarded as Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*; IB grades are awarded from a range of 7-1 (with 7 being the highest). 

As students are now in their final year of studies I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the steps students can take, with your support, to develop their subject knowledge and ensure they are best prepared for the next stage of their KS5 qualifications. All students timetables have study periods included with them which we expect students to make effective use of by completing additional work set on Google Classroom, reviewing their learning from their previous lessons and engaging in further reading into their subjects. Additionally, many of our students will have controlled assessments and/or coursework units to complete which contribute to their final grades and so careful time and consideration should be given to these both inside and outside of school. Research conducted with successful prior year groups has shown that an additional 4-5 hours spent each week self testing and completing exam style questions for each subject studied will lead to achieving the top grades across all qualifications. 

I would like to congratulate Year 13 on their excellent progress during this academic year and we look forward to working with both your child and you to ensure this progress is maintained as students build towards their final exams. 

If you have any queries regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant college team at: 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Yours faithfully
Mr C. Pleasant | Vice Principal