Year 10 Work Experience, one week to go

Strood Academy Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Year 10 Work Experience 19th – 23rd May 2025 – One week to go 

I am writing to you to provide you with information regarding Year 10 Work Experience in 2025. 

We actively encourage all of our students to source their own work experience placements so they have ownership over the process and can secure a placement which best suits their career field of choice. From our experience, employers also highly commend students who have taken the initiative to make contact with them and arrange their own placement, demonstrating a high degree of self management and organisational skills. 

In order for our partners at Medway Education Business Partnership (MEBP) to facilitate self-placements and ensure all necessary background checks are carried out in a timely manner, the deadline for arranging a self-placement is the 7th February 2025. Any self-placement requests beyond this date can not be processed. This deadline is one week away and we encourage students to hand their forms in as soon as possible. 

Thank you to all our parents that have assisted our pupils in attaining work experience places so far. The final push that will help is visiting workplaces of interest this weekend and enquiring on the possibility of work experience taking place. 

Enclosed in this email you will find a helpful document which outlines the stages students should follow in order to arrange self-placements as we know for some this can be a challenging prospect. The information shared with you will also be shared with students during form time to give students the opportunity to discuss and ask questions with their form tutor and peers. 

Additionally, I have a second document below which students are required to complete and hand to their form tutor Own placement request form. Please see the finding your own placement guide here

It provides us with details about their chosen employer so that all relevant checks can be completed. Students will be provided paper copies of this to bring home so there is no need for you to print this unless the original copy is misplaced. At this stage, students do not need access to their login details as placements organised by MEBP will not be available until the deadline for self placements has passed. 

Your support in assisting your child with securing the most suitable work experience placement is invaluable and I thank you in advance for this. Should you have any queries please contact us or your relevant college team. 

Yours faithfully 

Mr M Williams | Assistant Principal Careers Lead, & Miss S Emi | Personal Development Coordinator,