Uniform Reminder

Strood Academy Letter image

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Thank you for your support during this module. As we approach the end of term this letter serves as a friendly reminder regarding Strood Academy’s uniform policy. At Strood Academy our uniform provides a smart appearance that fosters a sense of community spirit and prepares students for a professional environment. 

Uniform Requirements: 

  • Shirts: Must be plain white (long or short sleeved). All shirts must be tucked in at all times. All students wearing shirts must also wear a college tie. 
  • Blouses: Plain pale blue blouses (long or short sleeves) are acceptable alternatives to shirts. 

Additional Uniform Items: 

  • Blazer (mandatory) with Strood Academy badge 
  • Black school trousers (no back pockets or studs) 
  • Black skirt (stitched-down pleats, knee-length) 
  • Black school shoes (no boots or trainers, plain black colour) 
  • Plain black ankle socks or tights 

Uniform Affordability: 

We understand that uniform costs should not prevent students from attending Strood Academy. Here’s how we help: 

  • Pre-owned Uniforms: We operate a system for collecting and offering good-condition donated uniforms, free of charge, to families in need.
  • Financial Assistance: In cases of financial hardship, the Academy may offer assistance on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the school office for more information. 
  • Accessible Options: The core uniform utilises minimal branding and common colours. This allows you to find suitable and affordable alternatives at high street stores. 
  • Year-Round Uniform: We have a single uniform for the entire year, eliminating the need for separate summer and winter versions and reducing overall costs.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring students wear the correct uniform. Should you have any questions regarding the uniform policy or require support with uniform costs, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office. 

Our uniform policy can be found on the link below: 


Sending best wishes for a restful half term break. 


Mr Jon Richardson | Principal