Sixth Form Information Afternoon

Strood Academy Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers

I am pleased to invite you to the Academy’s Sixth Form Information afternoon which is taking place on Thursday 7th November 2024. The event will begin at 4pm, with a presentation at 4:15pm by the Principal Mr Richardson, the Vice Principal Mr Pleasant, and the Assistant Principal, Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Wrighton; a second presentation will be given at 5:30pm. The event will finish at 7:00pm.

We appreciate that your child may not be sure what path to follow after their G.C.S.E.s as of yet, which is why attendance to this event is important – it will give information on what subjects they can take and where it can lead to, whether it be University, employment, or an apprenticeship. Furthermore, this event should also serve to keep your child motivated for their upcoming exams, as it provides information on what grades are needed for the subjects they aspire to take.

We are very proud of our sixth form and will be delighted to share our pathways and subjects on offer; enrichment opportunities; and the support your child will receive to be successful in gaining the right qualifications to move on to the next stage of their educational career.

Please complete the form by clicking on the link to confirm your attendance.

Yours faithfully
Victoria Wrighton | Head of Sixth Form, Assistant Principal