Sixth Form Dress Code Reminder (Winter 2023)

Two Sixth Form students writing in a classroom

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you and your child are having a restful break and taking the opportunity to be prepared for the next term.

As the weather changes, I would like to take the opportunity to remind you and your child of the Sixth Form dress code which can be viewed by clicking here. Specifically, please note that hoodies and oversized sport style sweaters are not part of the dress code; if students wish to wear warmer clothing then smart knitted jumpers and cardigans are, of course, permitted.

Additionally, all Sixth Formers have been issued a lanyard so that they can have their ID card visible at all times; it is mandatory for all students to wear this as part of their dress code for safeguarding reasons. The lanyard/ID enables all staff to recognise that your child is meant to be on site.

Lastly, as part of the Sixth Form, your child does have the privilege to use their mobile phone and airpods; however, this privilege is for the Sixth Form area only and not around the main building, as to model the correct behaviour for the remainder of the school.

If you have any questions then please contact

Yours faithfully,

Ms V Hancock
Assistant Principal
Head of Sixth Form