Lost or Damaged Sixth Form Lanyards

Strood Academy Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers, 

It has been brought to my attention that a number of sixth form students are arriving at school without their lanyards or they have lost/damaged their current lanyard. 

As you may be aware our Sixth Form students wear lanyards during the course of the academic day allowing them access and independence around the academy. Students must wear their lanyard at all times to make it easier for staff to to identify them. 

Therefore, from Tuesday 21 January we are introducing a £5 replacement fee via Parentpay for any lost or damaged lanyards to cover the cost of supplies. 

Failure to bring their identity badge and lanyard to school will result in students spending 1 school day in the IER (Internal Exclusion Room) 

Kind regards, 

Mrs Wrighton | Head of Sixth Form, Assistant Principal