Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Leigh Academy Trust girls football tournament: Your child will be required to arrive at school for 8:15am in full PE kit. Your child will be travelling to Leigh Dartford for the tournament. Your child will be back at school around 1pm and required to finish the day in school. There is no need to bring a school uniform as your child will be excused in their PE kit when they return.
We will transport your child to the event and bring them back to the Academy by 1pm approx.
We need your child to meet Ms Panayi at the PE changing rooms for 8:15am. They will arrive in kit (this can be school shorts or leggings), please bring boots/astros, black football socks with shin pads and a water bottle.
Please complete the form here to confirm your child can attend.
Kind regards,
Miss Panayi
Associate Assistant Principal